Halo: The Movie Preview
This preview is a spoof made by some people in the Halo community. I think it's really good. Very nice editing.
Halo Preview
Happy birthday, Pete.
Halo Preview
Happy birthday, Pete.
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I was sifting through stuff around my computer and found the slideshow from the grad from last year. Has anyone watched it? I started to, but got caught up in something else.
-|WTH|-AA7, at 10:01 AM
I watched part of it but I don't remember seeing any of us in it. By the way, thanks Matt.
Pete, at 10:35 AM
We're in it at around the bottom.
Marquis de Suave, at 11:22 AM
I only saw the slideshow at the grad dance. Send it to me sometime, I'd like to have a copy of it.
Matt, at 6:11 PM
Goodnight fellow aquaintances, for I am going to bed.
The above comment took exactly 3:22 minutes to type and display because this entire comment is being typed on a Pentium I, with 32MB RAM. There is no graphics card nor any sound output from this machine. This entire comment took approximately 11:56 minutes to process.
Please meet our web server.
Matt, at 9:53 PM
Our server has 32MB of RAM??!! What happens when we get popular and people start downloading the movie thousands of times a day.
Marquis de Suave, at 2:47 PM
Actually I just checked, there's only 16MB. That's pathetic.
But... I've got connections with this guy who makes over 100 big and he thinks he can hook us up with something.
Also, I'm upgrading to a Pentium II processor I've got in another computer here.
Matt, at 4:01 PM
We were in the slideshow around the middle. It strange to see how much people change from the early pictures to the grad. I think that the early pictures were mostly from 6th and 7th grade, but some people changed a lot. That cop was in it a lot too.
-|WTH|-AA7, at 8:30 PM
The girls were digging the cop.
Did you guys see him dance? That was kinda scary.
The goddamn DJ guys didn't play "School's Out". Pissed me off so much.
Matt, at 9:01 PM
They wouldn't play Beethoven's 9th either.
Pete, at 9:10 PM
Yah, they didn't play any of my requests either. But then again I was making requests just to piss them off. Something tells me they wouldn't play Leftover Crack's "Shoot the Kids At School."
Marquis de Suave, at 9:55 PM
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