Anyone want to see a Wahttehhog blog without the Blogger NavBar at the top?
Wahttehhog NavBar Test BlogY'all can thank me for teh serious h4xX0r skillz involved in removing the bar.
Now, you ask, "
Answer: In the Blogger TOS (Terms of Service), there is a section that explains what Bloggers are allowed and not allowed to do to their blogs (in other words, hacking). It loosely mentions that Pyra has complete rights over advertisements displayed on a blog, and those shall not be removed without consent. Yet it doesn't say specifically that the NavBar shouldn't be removed, and the NavBar isn't exactly an advertisement either. Plus, several other blogs have also taken my route and successfully removed their NavBars without getting banned or blogs terminated.
I'll leave it up to you guys to decide, but if the majority of you choose to kill the NavBar, I will remove it in due time.
And for all you geektards out there, here is the hacked code to erase the NavBar from the top of your blogs:
Also, if this code works, yet still leaves about 50 pixels of empty space at the top of your blogs, then here's the non-valid HTML code to remove that:
Cheers to finally and successfully hacking the code after a few weeks of continuous efforts.